snow n. 斯诺〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.雪;下雪;〔pl.〕积雪。 2.雪白色;雪白的[像雪花的]东西;白花;〔pl.〕白发;泡沫。 3.〔美俚〕银币;海洛因;柯卡因[古柯咸] (cocaine) 粉(等);白布丁。 4.【无线电】雪花干扰[效应]。 a heavy (fall of) snow 一场大雪。 a snow flier 〔美国〕冬季到暖和的南方去的流浪者。 vi. 下雪;(花瓣等)雪一般地落下来。 vt. 1.使像雪一般地落下来。 2. 用雪封住,用雪覆盖。 3.使雪白;使有白发。 4.〔俚语〕用花言巧语欺骗。 It snows. 下雪。 Complaints [Congratulations] came snowing in. 抗议[贺电]像雪片似地飞来。 It snowed petitions. 请愿书纷至沓来。 be snowed in [up, over] 1. 被大雪封住;被花言巧语蒙蔽住。 2.〔美俚〕被毒品麻醉。 be snowed under 埋在雪里;〔美国〕被彻底打败,被压倒。
After a while we'll take a walk in the snow . 等一会儿,我们到雪上溜溜去。
Their wooden clogs squeak in the snow . 他们的木底鞋踩在雪地上吱吱嗄嗄直响。
They stood knee-deep in the snow . 他们站在没膝深的雪里。
The three of them plodded up the hill in the snow . 三个人在雪中一步一弯腰地爬山。
She stamped out the letters "sos" in the snow . 她用脚在雪地里踩出“SOS”三个字母。
Put on your warmest clothes before you go out in the snow . 下雪天外出要穿上最暖和的衣服。
When you see a light in a window blink three times, throw the box in the snow and drive off . 你一看到有个窗口将灯光闪烁三遍,就把盒子扔在雪地里,把车开走。
They waited patiently for what seemed a very long time, stamping in the snow to keep their feet warm . 他们耐着性子等了很长一段时间,不断地在雪地上踏脚取暖。
The rat, after carefully tying up the leg with his handkerchief, had left him and was busy scraping in the snow . 老鼠细心地用手帕包扎好伤口之后,离开了他,忙着在雪地上乱扒。
The soldiers who guarded us on the march weren't ss either. what pity did they have for a woman who fell in the snow ? 路上押解我们的大兵也不是党卫队。可是他们看到我们女囚犯倒在雪里时,有过一点怜悯之心吗?